I’ve been working for the last 2 months on some software that will help webmasters and internet marketers in particular produce more sales and make their websites easier to develop.
I can’t believe how much work goes into making a product. This is why soooo many people just don’t do it.
As an example of my own. I desperately wanted to write an ebook with my wife for the Underachiever 30daychallenge in July last year. We got 1/2 way and never made it happen.
We surveyed and collated and got an angle on the book. We worked out in point form what should be covered. We even recorded some audio about it in an effort to get it off the ground. Never happened.
It’s still there so I will pick it up as my second product after I get through with this software as my first.
It truely is exciting to be finally moving towards a product launch.
I’ll elaborate on the project more as the launch moves closer, it’s very close now.